Upload a sharp, well-lit selfie (without sunglasses or other accessories) and we will find any race photos of you that we may have missed.
Simply upload a sharp and well lit photo* from you and the search will be started. Add additionally found photos to your gallery for free.
*Make sure that it is frontal and that you are not wearing any accessories (such as sunglasses).
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By checking here, I acknowledge that I am either 18 or older or the parent or guardian of a minor between the ages of 13-18 and that I consent to Outside Interactive Inc. (together with its affiliates and subsidiaries, “Outside”) using my selfie to create a biometric face print and affirm that I understand the following: Outside will use, collect, and store this face print for the specific purpose of optimizing the classification of professional photographs from athletic events that I participate in; Outside will maintain the confidentiality of this face print and will not disclose it to anyone else without my consent, except to service providers who help operate FinisherPix and are required to treat your face print with as much care as Outside does or as required by applicable law; This face print will be retained for as long as is necessary for professional photographs from events I participate to be classified and then for a reasonable period of time to allow viewing of selected event photographs (not longer than 3 years from the date of my event). Outside will promptly comply with my request to delete or stop using, collecting, or storing my face print, which I can make by emailing privacy@outsideinc.com or calling 1-800-380-9824
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